Shadowhunters Season 2| Review


WARNING! This review may contain spoilers! If you have not watched the episode and DO NOT want spoilers, please do not read this!

So Season 1 ended with a pretty big thing. Clary learns who her father is, and that she has a brother. Anyone that has read the books already knows what to expect, but for those of us who haven’t (Or forgot certain things) These details were pretty big. So we’re left with our jaws on the floor wanting more. You probably went out to pick up the books, because you probably couldn’t wait, and I don’t blame you. And I’m sure there are many differences between the show and the book, but none the less, the show has gotten a lot of attention. But we’ve waited for Season 2 to start up, and Monday we got what we wanted.

With a short recap at the beginning, we then dive into a little WTF part of the episode wondering what happened to get us to that point. Of course, it’s Valentine trying to see how loyal Jace is, not that anyone can blame him on that. But Jace clearly still struggles with the news of who his father is and trying to find out who he is. Back at the Clave, everyone is trying to find Jace, and OF COURSE, it’s under new management. Again. So, everyone gets put on lock down and interviewed to see what happened to Jace. Of course, Clary tells the truth and the hunt begins for Jace, dead or alive.

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Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments Ep 1 &2| Review


The show has been highly anticipated and talked about ever since it was announced that the show was being made. We all remember the movie and wanted more the moment it was done. While there are debates on what went well in the movie and what didn’t, we need to remember that book to movie adaptations aren’t always on par with the book. But it is great to see that the author of this book is having a hand in writing for this series so that should excite a lot of you when it comes to what will possibly be changed from this series.

We’ve seen snippets, photos, trailers and some of us might have the app JOIN THE HUNT (It’s not a bad app to be had, stay tuned for that review soon!) But the long awaited episode has FINALLY hit ABC (Or Freeform as it is now being called) and here is what I thought of it. I don’t want to give too much away, so here’s what I can give you for summaries: Hope I don’t give too many spoilers for you all!

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